About us

Welcome on the COMPUSHIPS !

is a trademark of S.F.E.C company

S.F.E.C is the prefered trusted partner of companies for IT and e-technologies since 1996.

It’s now under this brand that are grouped all IT products & services for Shipping and Offshore.

COMPUSHIPS : Computers & Services for Shipping & Offshore.

provides concrete
and specific solutions to problems posed by the management of IT on board merchant ships, yachts or offshore installations & platforms.
COMPUSHIPS also offers development services for customized software and automation/control solutions.

COMPUSHIPS is your partner from conception to maintenance...

Whether it is from the computer network design or design consulting, to maintenance and / or remote maintenance, through the implementation of customized and pre-installed complete networks ready to be connected by the crew, COMPUSHIPS covers all of your administrative and wellfare computing needs onboard of your ships & platforms.

Owning costs finally controlled ...

By its perfect knowledge of IT products on the market, of vessels logistic, of crew uses and of specific constraints of embarked equipments, COMPUSHIPS allows a notable reduction of maritime computing ownership costs while generating a substancial reduction of the crew stress.


COMPUSHIPS is present on Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/compuships

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You’ll find news, information, pics, movies concerning marine and IT
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